Let's movies!

Let's movies!

Who doesn't like going to the cinema? Who doesn't like flying away with the imagination, while watching a movie?We recommend here the best movies set/shot in Bologna, which will make you experience the city through the eyes of workers, students, lovers etc..
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Aufgabe Nr. 1
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Here is a list of movies set in Bologna to watch:
Gli amici del bar Margherita (2009, Pupi Avati)Quo vadis, baby? (2005, Gabriele Salvatores)Hanno rubato un tram (1954, Aldo Fabrizi)Paz! (2002, Renato De Maria)Lavorare con lentezza (2004, Guido Chiesa)Il cuore altrove (Pupi Avati, 2003)
Choose one movie from the list above. Look at the plot and find the concerning information sheet in http://www.cineturismo.cinetecadibologna.it/filmWatch the movie. You can find them in the main city library: Biblioteca Sala Borsa or streaming online.
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Aufgabe Nr. 2
Nachweis verifiziert von: Selbstbestätigung
Take your time, have a nice stroll and go to some of the locations of the movie you’ve just watched. Use google map and the link of “cineturismo”. Upload at least three pictures of you in three different movie locations.
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