Home cooking adventure: “mani in pasta” for beginner cooks

Bologna, Metropolitan City of Bologna, Italy

Home cooking adventure: “mani in pasta” for beginner cooks

Bologna, Metropolitan City of Bologna, Italy


If you want to try an easier delicacy, just to begin with your Italian cooking adventure we suggest the “Cotoletta” an Italian word for veal breaded cutlet. Believe us..in any case you won't be disappointed.

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Home cooking adventure: “mani in pasta” for beginner cooks Get this badge

If you want to try an easier delicacy, just to begin with your Italian cooking adventure we suggest the “Cotoletta” an Italian word for veal breaded cutlet. Believe us..in any case you won't be disappointed.
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GET YOUR INGREDIENTS for the “Cotoletta alla bolognese”:800 gr (4 slices) veal breast50 gr butter100 gr flour 002 eggsBreadcrumbs (as required)4 thin slices raw ham4 grated spoons parmigiano Reggiano250 ml meat broth
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PREPARE your “cotoletta”First of all prepare the meat broth, it will complete the dish. Now prepare the slices of veal breast and beat them with a meat tenderizer to make them thinner. Prepare the flour, the eggs beaten with a pinch of salt and the breadcrumbs in 3 different containers. Pass the slices first in the flour on both sides and immediately after pass them in the eggs. Finally pass them in the breadcrumbs covering them completely and squeezing them well with your hands to make the breading adhere better. In a medium-large pan, put the butter, melt it and cook no more than two slices at a time. When the first side is golden brown, turn them over to continue cooking. Place a slice of raw ham on each slice and sprinkle with plenty of grated or flaky Parmesan. Now add a ladle of broth to each slice, cover the pan with a lid and cook for about 5 minutes. Once ready, place them on a serving plate and serve with your favorite side dish. Your cotoletta alla Bolognese is ready to be enjoyed hot.


Bologna, Metropolitan City of Bologna, Italy


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Temps à compléter : 1 heure 30 minutes
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